Why Christopher Ministries?

Christopher Ministries, Inc. is a Christian organization founded on biblical principles. The organization's mission is to share the God of comfort with hurting people by providing individual, group, and grief counseling along with mission-related health care, health care materials, supplies, and education to people of all races and religions in the United States and internationally that otherwise would not be able to afford these services.

Christopher Ministries, Inc. (CMI) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. As a non-profit organization, all donations are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated. The donations received at CMI provide services for individuals and families that do not have the financial means to pay or they are under or uninsured. The sliding scale fees provide options that many do not have.

Christopher Ministries, Inc. is a charity registered with the Kroger Community Rewards Program at kroger.com/communityrewards

 Please consider registering with these companies and designating Christopher Ministries, Inc. as the charity of choice. There is no cost to you. The donations received from Kroger will assist Christopher Ministries in the goals of helping those in need. We would greatly appreciate your support.


In our GND store there are several items you can purchase and all profit will go to this ministry. This includes anything associated with Kitchen Time With Tammy, Meals, Music, and Memories Cookbook, and Tracia’s book, “Lord, Why Am I Still Here?” You can also make a direct donation to this ministry by following this link.


Christopher Ministries

May 31, 1996 was a day that forever impacted the lives of our own Tammy Smith’s family. Her brother-in-law and 8 year old nephew were killed by a drunk driver in a tragic car accident. Tammy’s sister, Traci and nephew Stephen Peter survived the crash and from these ruins came a beautiful ministry built to help others. Named after sweet Christopher.